Our Techniques

We follow a structured yet gentle approach where the your needs are what count and with a bespoke approach which emphasises the unique way you experience your issue. We do not believe in labels rather by focusing on you and the way you ‘do your problem’ we are able to create a unique way of working with you that can draw from a great range of approaches and not be limited by labels or fixed protocols.

Our Techniques

Our journey with Hypnotherapy

We started to look at traditional hypnotherapy over 20 years ago when we both worked in stressful jobs. We found it beneficial for enabling us to relax after a long week or giving us confidence with a presentation. Subsequently we started to use it with some more challenging life events and more recently as a family we helped our children through difficult times by working with a local Cognitive Hypnotherapist.

We were fascinated by the results of guided hypnotherapy coupled with a bundle of amazing NLP techniques allowing us to turn these into real life skills available to us when we needed them.

The more we investigated the combination of cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy the more we understood the powerful affects you can get by remodelling negative thoughts or memories therefore creating a new reality tunnel.

We decided to train to be therapists and qualified under the renowned Trevor Silvester at the QUEST Institute of Cognitive Hypnotherapy.

Our journey with Hypnotherapy

Meet the team

Jackie Cooper

Hi I am Jackie, a working mother of two teenage boys. My career has spanned many industries over the years but I have focussed most of my working energy in the healthcare and dental industries. I have always been a good listener helping and counselling my friends and family and decided to train and qualify as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist to learn practical techniques to give tangible help and not just be a shoulder to cry on.
To overcome a phobia of the dentist I decided to join the dental market as a nurse over 20 years ago and have spent many years supporting dentists to give great care to their patients which has given me an inside understanding of the trauma a phobia can have, now I work as a referral from many dental practices using the skills of Cognitive Hypnotherapy to help clients have a more relaxed relationship with their dental surgery.
Working and being a mum has taught me that all types of anxiety if not treated can stop someone living life to the full so in my practice I love helping my clients release themselves from their own emotions that can often dictate their lives. I help others to learn to manage themselves becoming the person they would like to be by understanding how their mind is working therefore helping them make sense of their thoughts to enable them to be more confident, healthier and more successful.

David Cooper

Hi I am David, I have been working in commercial sales and business employment for the past 30 years and found like many of you this to be a stressful environment. In this time I have been looking after my customner needs by helping them to discover what they really wanted from their business as well as their goals and personal targets.

Many of my customers needed to overcome personal challenges holding them back in order to pursue their dream goals so it was a natural transition for me to qualify as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and help my clients realise their personal goals by teaching them how to release themselves from their own limitations holding them back. I have a keen interest in helping those feeling anxiety and stress in the workplace and feel I am well placed to bringing both empathy and practical understanding of workplace stress.

Meet the team

Our Training

The QCHPA is the professional association for the evidence based approach of Cognitive Hypnotherapy. Only therapists who have qualified at the Quest Institute can belong to this organisation. We follow a structured yet gentle approach where the client’s needs are what count. The Quest Institute has been running a research study for the last 5 years. This study has recently been published in the Mental Health Review Journal and has shown very positive results. The study continues because the QCHPA takes the treatment of mental health very seriously and we want to have evidence to prove how effective the Cognitive Hypnotherapy approach is.

Our Training

How Can We Help You

It does not matter how long you have had your problem or how bad it is – you can always make positive changes that can release you from feeling the way you do right now. In just a few sessions you can change the way you think and therefore behave .
You could be surprised how quickly you can feel better -it might be easier than you think to begin to really enjoy your life.
It’s not just about surviving day to day or doing the same thing because it is what you have always done – you deserve to live your life to the full and already have all the tools to make this happen – we are there to show you the way.

How Can We Help You